Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pictures and Politics

Here are some pictures of Sunday's frost and this morning's SNOW! Yes, write it on your calendars, folks. Thursday, Oct. 2 is the day of Bethel's first sticking snow this winter. When we woke up, the tundra was covered in a fine dusting. Everything is reeeeaally pretty.

Also, notes on how incredibly Alaskan I am:
- this weekend my roommates and I chopped wood. A lot of wood. Now, by"chopped wood,"I mean we ripped apart pallets with hammers and one blunt axe. We're definitely not done, but we made a good dent in our pile. My entire body is sore from the effort.
- last Monday, I ate moose meat for dinner. It was delicious and tasted kind of like pot roast.
-yesterday, my roommate Jon brought home a MOOSE HOOF!! No joke. It's sitting in our freezer, complete with fur. It wasn't bloody, but you can see cartilage and stuff. Ew and awesome at the same time.
-I am going to learn how to bead. Beading (making bracelets, earrings, pins, etc. out of small, multicolored beads) is really big in Yupik culture. Wassilene, our administrative assistant, is a seasoned beader and is going to come over to the JV house one of these days and teach us how to bead.
-Tomorrow I am taking a prop plane to Napakiak, a small village about 10 minutes upriver to visit a client. I will get to sit in the front seat of the plane. EEEE! Expect pictures and stories after that.
-I am now a certified Alaska state registrar. If you are reading this from Alaska and haven't registered to vote yet, come to me. If you are reading this from another state and haven't registered to vote yet, GET MOVING! Seriously, there is no excuse (short of being under the age of 18) for not voting in a presidential election. Get out there, people! And, watch the debates, presidential and vice-presidential. I will step off my soap box now.
And, one more thing. Kevin, we don't really have cars. We were lucky enough to have cars lent to us. We do, however, have a Yeti that we keep out back.


Unknown said...

Maura! I love your stories! It sounds like you're having an amazing time. I miss you and hope you send some elk steaks my way! lol Take care!

KaityQ said...

Thank you for the comment! Spain is amazing, I cannot even tell you. I'm sure Alaska is too. I was there for 3 weeks to visit family when I was 14, and I never wanted to leave (except for maybe the time when there was a giant moose in the backyard).
Hope you are doing well, miss you.