Thursday, May 7, 2009

Check That One Off the List

This week, I checked something off my "Things to Do Before I Die" list.

I learned how to drive a stick shift.

Granted, this is not very exciting to most people. Or even considered an accomplishment. But it was on my list. And this is my blog, so there you have it.

I think driving stick is an important skill to have and never got around to learning while I was downstates. And, after talking about it all year, I was forced to learn this week. I found out on Monday that the family I was babysitting for/housesitting for Wednesday - Sunday only had two manual cars. So what did I do all Tuesday evening? Stall out.

I'm kidding...kind of. It took me a little while, but by the end of Tuesday night I was driving around Bethel. And by Wednesday morning, I was driving the Williams to the airport, their kids to two different schools, Meg to work, and myself to work. And I only stalled at one stop sign along the way. Wooooo!

Thankfully, Bethel is very flat. According to Marty Toomb, I can't really drive stick until I can park on a steep hill and then start again. But, oh darn, I just can't try that out here. So I'm taking accomplishment where I can get it and crossing that one off the list. Boo-yah.

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